Monday, May 10, 2010

Part II

Axillary hyperhidrosis, which is excessive sweating of the underarm, is accompanied also by palmar hyperhidrosis in many cases. Axillary hyperhidrosis is caused by over activity of the sympathetic nerves which stimulates sweat glands (Hyperhidrosis). During axillary hyperhidrosis, one’s clothes may be stained or soaking wet. People suffering from hyperhidrosis may tend to wear lots of clothing and only wear certain colors. They will choose colors where the stains would not be as noticeable--black and other dark hues. Axillary hyperhidrosis sufferers may always wear their coats and be reluctant to take them off. When looking at an article “Know Sweat” there was some interesting evaluations. Baseline evaluation of a series of patients treated for hyperhidrosis found 90% of the group reported an effect on their emotional status, and over 70% had to change clothes two or more times a day. Over 50 % of patients with axillary hyperhidrosis identified in a U.S. national consumer survey reported feeling less confident, 38% are frustrated by some daily activities, 34% feel unhappy, and 20% are depressed. This graph below shows these different emotional statuses of people with hyperhidrosis.

Another manifestation of hyperhidrosis is cranio-facial sweating. Facial hyperhidrosis may affect the scalp, face, and neck. This may occur spontaneously and may prevent women from wearing make-up (Hyperhidrosis). One factor with facial hyperhidrosis is that it cannot be hidden. Facial sweating is, perhaps the most humiliating of them all. Sweat just trickles down the face with seemingly no end. With cranio-facial hyperhidrosis one may also experience sweating in their scalp leaving it smelly and uncomfortable. These different types of hyperhidrosis affect an individual tremendously and may lead to depression, social anxiety, and much more.

People continue to suffer from hyperhidrosis throughout their lives and never really get use to living with it. Those affected tend to modify their lifestyles to accommodate their particular type of hyperhidrosis. Doing this can be disrupting professionally, academically, and socially. Hyperhidrosis is a severe emotional and distressing problem. Sweating will stain clothes, ruin romance, and complicate business and social interactions (Goyal).

Being a teenager is already a vulnerable period of growth and maturity. The addition of hyperhidrosis makes devastating social, emotional, and physical problems. Socially, those who suffer with this disorder may experience low self-esteem and self-imposed isolation. Many begin to isolate themselves with the belief that they are repulsive, and will remain isolated due to the fear of embarrassment. Emotionally, they become withdrawn and depressed causing them to miss the company of others. They may feel there is no one who shares or would understand their problem. Physically, the discomfort of continuous and excessive sweating can pose a great challenge. Having to bring a change of clothes, constantly being aware of leaving “wet spots” on chairs, tables and desks, and being conscious of body odors can lead to both mental and physical exhaustion.

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