Monday, May 10, 2010


“Satorria can you write this for me,” I pleadingly asked. Asking people to help with my writing has become a daily routine for me. Because of my excessive sweating it is difficult to hold a pen, let alone write on a piece of paper without leaving sweat marks behind. It was also difficult for me to do other things I love like: braiding hair, holding hands, and just generally touching things and people. Why am I always sweating was a question I would ask my self over and over again. During sixth grade it was hard for me to get involved with activities, such as, intramurals because I was embarrassed. It was now time to find an answer to what was going on. At work, as I was sitting at the front desk, I began to research this problem I was having. As I was researching, I stumbled across a word called Hyperhidrosis. It sounded very interesting, so I decided to look more into it. Much to my surprise, the definition of hyperhidrosis was exactly what I was suffering from. This marked the end of my unknowing and the beginning toward my journey to treatment. Through my research I learned I was not alone, that Hyperhidrosis may psychologically impact a person’s life, but treatments are available although not widely known.

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